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Story Pitches

AniMOE and ManGAR
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Story Pitches - Page 3 Empty Re: Story Pitches

Post  AirPig Tue May 18, 2010 3:00 am

redmage17 wrote:2020 magic stuff
Sounds interesting. I'd be able to help out a bit with that, if you like. I've a similar story, though it's more along the lines of a prologue to what yours would be.

Metoma wrote: FLCL/TTGL
I think that stuff's best left alone, honestly. It's there to tease the crap out of you, or something deep that I cannot express with my tiny brain.

Lukalade wrote: Lust, love, and morals
I swear I've read something or watched something like that...sounds interesting, nonetheless.

On a side note, I've finished the first draft of the script for the first chapter of the Wildcat steampunk thingy. I'm in need of an editor, so those that are interested, please PM me.

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Join date : 2010-05-05

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Story Pitches - Page 3 Empty Re: Story Pitches

Post  Lukalade Tue May 18, 2010 3:40 am

AirPig wrote:
Lukalade wrote: Lust, love, and morals
I swear I've read something or watched something like that...sounds interesting, nonetheless.
Got the idea from a few incest h-mangas. Want to expand upon that... aside from the sex.

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Join date : 2010-05-05

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Story Pitches - Page 3 Empty Re: Story Pitches

Post  Perian Thu May 20, 2010 6:01 pm

Maybe this idea is a little silly but you guys remember GHOST SLIDE right?

I was thinking of a story involving a bored student interested in the paranormal, joining a test group for remote viewing, and experiencing a bout of lost time, a blackout in memory. As he tries to continue his normal life strange things start to happen around him. He begins noticing that he's followed occasionally by men in black suits, his homeroom teacher is sick and is replaced with a substitute who seems to be watching him, and no matter where he is he can't shake the feeling that he isn't alone.

He begins to hallucinate seeing ghosts, and other paranormal phenomena, more and more with each passing day, until he finally collapses one night after classes. He awakens in a room half conscious and unable to speak, with many voices discussing something he can't make out. After a short period of time gunshots are heard, and the protagonist blacks out again. After a strange dream he awakens to find himself in a poorly lit room with voices coming down the hall. A strip of bandage tape is over is right temple.

Walking out the protagonist is introduced to the rest of the cast who explain he was a test subject for a shadowy organization in the government that is the successor to project MKULTRA, and that the hallucinations he's been seeing are the result of uncontrolled exposure to a magnetic implant used to stimulate the mind which they removed from him. Our heroes know little about their enemy outside how they recruit potentials, but each potential the heroes rescue will be unable to go back to the lives they've known for, well obvious reasons.

So the protagonist while skeptical at first joins the ragtag group in fighting against the human trafficking being done by the government. The team calls themselves ghosts as they have each lost their former identities due to their involvement with the Neo-MKULTRA like organization. Anyway the involvement with the paranormal and playing with the mind could lead to interesting imagery, since not everything will always be as it seems.

...and yes I was thinking we could call it GHOST SLIDE.

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Join date : 2010-05-05

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Story Pitches - Page 3 Empty Re: Story Pitches

Post  Moushiro Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:25 pm


Last edited by Moushiro on Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:06 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Story Pitches - Page 3 Empty Re: Story Pitches

Post  AirPig Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:20 pm

Perian wrote:Maybe this idea is a little silly but you guys remember GHOST SLIDE right?

Do eet. It will be the penultimate anime someday

Why would his powers destabilize on contact with the outside world? (You told me this)

Otherwise, go for it

Posts : 18
Join date : 2010-05-05

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